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Appraisal Request

Justin Thomas Appraisal was founded in 1994, we pride ourselves in              
providing a quality report in a timely manor. Traditional turn around time            
is under one week.

Single family Homes:

We appraise single family dwellings, whether in a subdivision or  in a               
rural residential neighborhood. A preliminary search of all available                   
resources will be made to determine market trends, influences, and                 
other significant  factors pertinent to the subject property.

Land Appraisals:

We appraise all types of land from raw to builder-ready, improved land in           
subdivisions to larger acreage parcels. In comparing one property to                 
another, it is realized that no two properties are exactly alike. However, by         
finding homogeneous properties in similar or the same area, one can             
overcome this problem.

Multi-family residential appraisals:

We appraise 2 to 4 residential income properties. These are duplexes,              
triplexes and four-plexes are typical investment properties, although some     
may be owner occupied, tenants are required by law to receive 24 hours            
notice from the owner prior to any inspection.

FHA Approved:

We are licensed by HUD to perform FHA appraisals, these appraisals are        
available in most area's

Court Expert:

730 Court appointed expert
Justin Thomas Appraisal
Serving Contra Costa ,
Alameda County along
with Sacramento & El
Dorado Hills area.

Tom Blair DBA: Justin
Thomas Appraisal

Bus: 925-820-8184
Cell: 925-575-0722
Fax: 925-820-2916

P.O. Box 185
Danville, CA 94526
Justin thomas Appraisal
E-mail justinthomasappraisals@msn.com